viernes, 21 de abril de 2023

Holiday in Quintero

 The last time the whole family went to vacation, went to Quintero.

Quintero is a beach in the region of Valparaiso, in this year I´m ten or eleven years old (2012). This year it was amazing because my cousins where there, I remember we played all day and part of the night, I think what I liked the most on this summer went exactly this, play. It was like say goodbay to childhood and enter a new stage.

Remember that summer we were going to the beach all day and I got sunburn and then my skin turned so red, since then I´m so careful with my skin, even more with the sun.

These days I don´t like to go to the beach because of the sun and sand, my skin is so pallid and sensitive so for my is really hard go to the beach in the summer, furthermore I really love the beach in the winter, makes me really happy.

viernes, 14 de abril de 2023

some of my photos


This photo is in the interior of Palacio Pereira, this day I had no plans but one of my friends had a tour, for studio (class of the university), in this palace and he invited me. The palace in the inside is so beautiful, it is a partial restoration and in the back have a new building for the offices. The work of restoration is so great, because all that is added have a little trace of the pass of the time, this makes it much more organic the work in the place.

Thanks to the tour I was able to meet a little bit of the history of the palace, this place at the beggining it was the home of the family Pereira, then it a became at girl´s school, later it was the house of the several artists and, actually, is a national patrimony.

After the tour with my friend go to a drink beer because it was a very hot day, at that time I was going through a bad time, and that day we talked alot about everything, that helped me clear my mind and see things in a different way.

My friend´s nickname is Nick and this photo is so cute because reminds me of that day.

Blog experience

 Hi, today I am going to tell you about my experience with blogs. The post I enjoyed writing the most was "a country I would like to vi...