jueves, 13 de julio de 2023

Blog experience

 Hi, today I am going to tell you about my experience with blogs. The post I enjoyed writing the most was "a country I would like to visit", it was fun to look for the images and tourist attractions of the places. On the other hand, the post I least enjoyed writing was about a website we visit often, I don´t have a particular reason, it just wasn´t that interesting to tell. 

Definitely the posts I enjoyed reading the most were about "a series we watched as kids", I read several and they were all very entertaining, plus I watched most of the series they mentioned.

In general, I think that thanks to the blogs (and the activities in class) I did improve my English, since it forced me to think in the language, something that I personally have a hard time with, I also expanded my vocabulary and I lost a little bit my fear of pronouncing correctly.

I found the use of the blog very entertaining and stress free, I would have liked to have more time during the semester to follow them and to be able to read the blogs of my classmates class by class. :)

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Blog experience

 Hi, today I am going to tell you about my experience with blogs. The post I enjoyed writing the most was "a country I would like to vi...