viernes, 14 de abril de 2023

some of my photos


This photo is in the interior of Palacio Pereira, this day I had no plans but one of my friends had a tour, for studio (class of the university), in this palace and he invited me. The palace in the inside is so beautiful, it is a partial restoration and in the back have a new building for the offices. The work of restoration is so great, because all that is added have a little trace of the pass of the time, this makes it much more organic the work in the place.

Thanks to the tour I was able to meet a little bit of the history of the palace, this place at the beggining it was the home of the family Pereira, then it a became at girl´s school, later it was the house of the several artists and, actually, is a national patrimony.

After the tour with my friend go to a drink beer because it was a very hot day, at that time I was going through a bad time, and that day we talked alot about everything, that helped me clear my mind and see things in a different way.

My friend´s nickname is Nick and this photo is so cute because reminds me of that day.

1 comentario:

  1. That´s a very interesting photo, however, I couldn´t make out what it is. Is it material of some sort? I´m intrigued.


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