viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023

Last weekend

 Hi, the last weekend  was full of pending. On saturday morning I started catching up with universitty stuff. In the afternoon I had a meeting with friends from school, their nicknames are Katty and Val. During the meeting we spent some time talking to catch up with each other, my friends are studying in differents universitys and that makes it difficult to see each other often.

I love too seeing my school friends as sometimes I need a break from university and my studies, talking to people who are not studying the same subjects help me to disconnect.

This time the meeting was at the home of one of them, the funniest thing is that in the evening we ended up having ta and chatting with her family. I often tend to be a person who enjoys this type of plan much more.

Our talks are always accompanied by a drink, we laugh a lot and give each other advice. Suddenly it ocurred to one of them that we should cut his hair, so we did.

Sunday was devoted entirely to getting on with my university work, housework and walking my dogs.

The photo shows my friends before they cut their hair.

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2023


 Hi, one of the profiles I visit the most in instagram is @ismorbo (, this is a different information medium.

I like this instagram page because it always brings information on topics of my personal interest such as fashion, celebrities, artists, movies and topics relevant to the lgbtq+ community. I don´t remember how I discovered this site, but it probably must have been thanks to instagram recommendations os related content that one follows.

This page has the particularity that all its publications begin with a full size photo of something related to the topic and then in the following photos appear quotes about the same thing that help to understand the flow of ideas to wich you want to get , and you can always deepen the information provided by entering the link to the biography.

I think the reason for I like this site is the visual approach of the posts. It´s not a page I check often, but I would say it´s one of the ones I get most in my feed.


Blog experience

 Hi, today I am going to tell you about my experience with blogs. The post I enjoyed writing the most was "a country I would like to vi...