viernes, 16 de junio de 2023

my best friend

One of my best friends is Martina, she is two years younger than me and we have been neighbors for eight years but our friendship goes back to when I was about six years old and she was four. We met because our moms were neighbors and since we were of similar ages and lived in the same house it was almost impossible for us not to know each other. What no one thought was that after so many years we would still be even more friends than before, over the years we had many periods without talking or seeing each other but I really believe that the pandemic helped to strengthen our friendship.

I think our friendship is so strong because we don't have many things in common and that makes every time we see each other everything is more dynamic and entertaining, if I think of something we have in common I think it would just be that we both like to watch horror videos and our meetings usually always have a moment for that activity.

In general, as we are neighbors, we usually meet at her house or at mine, we talk for hours and cook delicious things, listen to music, watch videos and sometimes, when we have time, we go to the park to walk our dogs. Plus, it's that kind of friendship that you can do everything with, from going to family gatherings, accompanying us to do chores (like going to the fair, which I hate but it's necessary) or anything in general.

The last time we saw each other was about three weeks ago, although we talked almost every day, it is quite difficult for us to coincide in time because she works and I study.

Martina with my dogs

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Blog experience

 Hi, today I am going to tell you about my experience with blogs. The post I enjoyed writing the most was "a country I would like to vi...