viernes, 30 de junio de 2023

Law and order

 Hi, when I was a child, the program I watched is "Law and order: special victims unit" it is an American police drama television series. Each episode dealt with a different case, so it was easy not to have to watch it in order. The serie has 24 season and has aired from 1999 to the present. I started watching it when I was about six years old and still watch it today if I happen to be channel hopping when I come across the series. The reason why I started watching it was because at that time I lived at my grandmother's house, I used to spend the afternoons with my uncle in the living room while she cooked or did the housework. In those years we only had that one TV and since he decided what to watch I stayed there so I wouldn't get bored, although over the years it became a hobby between the two of us that lasted until I was eleven, when I moved out of the house. Although at the beginning I didn't understand anything about the series, as time went by I understood the plot and it became my favorite hobby, even when I grew up I wanted to study forensic medicine.

viernes, 23 de junio de 2023

A country I would like to visit

If I had to choose only one country to visit, I honestly wouldn't know which one, as I would like to visit many for different reasons. First of all, I would like to visit southern Italy for its beautiful landscapes and leisurely way of living life. Secondly, Thailand has always seemed to me a very interesting place, from its culture to its beautiful landscapes, not to mention its interesting architecture. Lastly, I would love to go to Japan, especially for the architecture, I think it is a place where you can learn a lot, I would visit the historical monuments of Kyoto and Nara, Hiroshima and Mount Fuji. I would like to go for at least a month to have plenty of time to travel around.

(Souhern Italy)




 Hi, if I were to go to London I would take the opportunity to visit as many architecture related attractions as possible, such as the Tower of London, Westminter Abbey, etc. The reason to visit this kind of places is because they have a lot of history and the architecture is always interesting to visit.

Katako vegan

 Hello, today I will tell you about a restaurant that I really like, the place is called Katako Vegan. This place is located in Nueva Providencia 2020. I usually go there every three or four months with my friends (Katty and Val), this is a restaurant that one of them discovered about four years ago. Every time we want to go out to eat we go there because absolutely everything is vegan and also very tasty. My favorite dish is the fried tofu with sweet and sour sauce, I could live the rest of my life just eating that dish, although out of everything I have tasted no food on the menu has ever disappointed me. Their desserts are also incredibly tasty and most importantly, the drinks are also very good.

(is the only photo I have of my friends in the katako haha)

BBC Learning english

Hi, today I am going to evaluate the BBC Learning English Website (

The first section I tried was grammar, with the activity 1 "test your level, b1 intermediate", I found it an easy activity to do, as it only has fifteen questions, all of which are fairly quick. What I liked the most is the diagnosis at the end, where he recommends activities to improve.

The second section I tested was courses, the activity is called "Activity 3, 6 minute grammar" the video was about two people having a conversation using present tenses, the pronunciation of the video is very good, which helps to sharpen the ear, I really liked this activity.

The third section I visited was vocabulary, I did the activity 1 "Common ways to use present" I liked that it is quite quick to make (it only takes 1 minute) and that all the content of the video is also written below in case you want to review it more calmly.

 The fourth section was pronunciation, the activity I selected is "Tim´s pronunciation workshop:summary" the video was quite concise and quick, easy to understand and repeating the sentences in the video helps a lot with pronunciation. 

The fifth section I visited was 'news' I watched the video " The hottest January day ever" newscast format makes it much more entertaining and keeps the interest in the video.

The last section was 'more' I have seen the video entitled "The importance of being earnest, part 5: Jack meets Ernest" the story is quite entertaining and helps a lot to reinforce vocabulary by listening. 

Overall, I liked the website, I think it is very useful to practice and especially having different activities makes it less monotonous. 

viernes, 16 de junio de 2023

my best friend

One of my best friends is Martina, she is two years younger than me and we have been neighbors for eight years but our friendship goes back to when I was about six years old and she was four. We met because our moms were neighbors and since we were of similar ages and lived in the same house it was almost impossible for us not to know each other. What no one thought was that after so many years we would still be even more friends than before, over the years we had many periods without talking or seeing each other but I really believe that the pandemic helped to strengthen our friendship.

I think our friendship is so strong because we don't have many things in common and that makes every time we see each other everything is more dynamic and entertaining, if I think of something we have in common I think it would just be that we both like to watch horror videos and our meetings usually always have a moment for that activity.

In general, as we are neighbors, we usually meet at her house or at mine, we talk for hours and cook delicious things, listen to music, watch videos and sometimes, when we have time, we go to the park to walk our dogs. Plus, it's that kind of friendship that you can do everything with, from going to family gatherings, accompanying us to do chores (like going to the fair, which I hate but it's necessary) or anything in general.

The last time we saw each other was about three weeks ago, although we talked almost every day, it is quite difficult for us to coincide in time because she works and I study.

Martina with my dogs

viernes, 2 de junio de 2023

More than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand

All of the meat plants belonged to Brazil's three large beef operators and exporters: JBS, Marfrig and Minerva. The overall deforestation figure for the farms supplying JBS, Marfrig and Minerva is likely to be higher, because these companies operate other plants elsewhere in the Amazon. It is also an issue in other parts of the world, such as the EU, the UK or China, which import Amazon deforestation. According to another analysis by The Guardian for Bruno and Dom's project, Amazonian slaughterhouses owned by these companies processed more than $5 billion worth of cattle while still in Brazil in 2022, more value is said to be added along the complex supply chain and, by an overwhelming margin, the economic value of this industry is being realized outside Brazil, on the plates of restaurants in Beijing and New York. The farm was also connected to the indirect supply of more than 18,000 animals through the three meatpackers between 2018 and 2019, according to Aidenvironment. Then, the team appeared to show that cows from one farm under sanctions for illegal deforestation had been trucked from JBS to a second "clean" farm. However, our investigation has found that the owner now supplies Marfrig, another of Brazil's Big Three meatpackers.


 Hi, today I'll tell you about a memorable family meal

One of the family meals I remember was about a month ago, we got together at my grandmother's house and she cooked pine empanadas, she always makes cheese empanadas for me since I am a vegetarian.

The family meals are always attended by almost the whole family (which is actually quite small), among them are my aunts and uncles (Carola, Jorge and Isabel), my cousins (Daniela and Alonso), my grandmother (Lucia) and my mom.

It is always memorable to be able to see all of us together, since usually due to work, school and university it is quite complex to see each other and it usually happens when it is a birthday or some other celebration like that. This day was different since it was a Saturday off for those who work and everyone made time in their schedule to have a family lunch for no other reason than to see each other.

It is also very important for all of us in the family to take advantage of the time we have with my grandmother, so any excuse to visit her is good, besides the fact that she cooks delicious food and it is always nice to eat homemade food.

That´s my grandma posing with her empanadas.

Blog experience

 Hi, today I am going to tell you about my experience with blogs. The post I enjoyed writing the most was "a country I would like to vi...